Aims and Scope

The aim and scope of the scientific journal "Budget and Finance Strategic Research" are:


1. The scientific spread and expansion of civilization, in accordance with the second step of the revolution in the field of policy making and strategic studies of the budget and finance.


2. Directing the strategic studies of budget and finance in line with the development of financial and economic authority in the country.


3. Participation in the production of knowledge with the approach of improving the country's budgeting and financial system.


4.Dissemination and exchange of knowledge in the fields of budgeting, budget monitoring, budget structure, optimal allocation of resources, financing, financial instruments, financial markets, financial institutions, asset and debt management, risk management and Islamic financial system.


5. Presenting the results of researches and experiences of professors, researchers and students in the field of safeguarding the Islamic Revolution in the field of planning, budgeting, public finance, accounting and financial management.


6. Recognition and introduction of scientific and research ideas and innovations with a strategic approach in the field of budgeting and financial management at the level of organizations/companies, nationally and internationally.