Investigating the Effect of Systematic Liquidity Risk on Expected Stock Returns with Regard to Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Original Article


1 Full Professor, Department of Management, College of Economy and Social Sciences, Shahis Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, College of Economy and Social Sciences, Shahis Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Corresponding Author: MA In Financial Management, College of Economy and Social Sciences, Shahis Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran


This study examines the effect of systematic liquidity risk in stock returns using the adjusted capital asset pricing model with liquidity generated by Acharya and Pederson (2005) on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The statistical population of this study is all companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The present study, using a combination of data model (data panel) for a period of time from April 2011 to the end of March 2018 with the formation of investment portfolios consisting of shares of 70 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange, as an example, has been studied on a monthly basis. Findings showed that in addition to sharing in liquidity (β2), other liquidity risks, such as joint movement between stock earnings and market liquidity and joint movement between stock liquidity and market earnings, play an important role in asset pricing. We examined the effects of liquidity risk on earnings by dividing our samples into boom and bust markets. The results suggested that the systematic liquidity risk is more important in stock pricing in stagnant markets.  The final results of this study support the importance of the impact of systematic liquidity risk on expected stock returns, especially during market downturns.


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