The Impact of Risk Tolerance, Capital Adequacy, Corporate Governance on the Performance of Tse's Banks

Document Type : Original Article


1 non-governmental non-profit Khatam University.

2 Kharazmi University


Although banks and financial institutions always face problems and challenges during their activities for various reasons, the main reasons for banking problems are the lack of standards, regulations and single requirements in the world banking industry, lack of attention to risk management and non-compliance with developments. It has been economic and environmental. Bank performance and risk control in banks is one of the most important issues in the banking sector. Considering the importance of bank performance and risk control and the necessity of its correctness, the present research examines the impact of risk tolerance as well as the effects of capital adequacy and corporate governance on Iranian banks. The results of this research, with a linear regression model It has been shown that credit, operational, liquidity and market risks have a significant impact on the bank's performance, and the higher the capital adequacy, the better the bank's performance, and in addition, Paying attention to corporate governance has a significant impact on the bank's performance


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