Designing a conceptual model of factors affecting on financial health in life cycle of companies by using the Foundation's data approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student of Accounting, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Accounting, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Current study; Presenting the model of factors affecting on financial health in life cycle of companies has been analyzed. This research is mixed in terms of research approach; in qualitative part of the exploratory type and in the quantitative part; It is descriptive-causal. In line with the implementation of this research, first by using theoretical foundations; Dimensions, components and factors affecting financial health were extracted and five dimensions (including corporate governance, profit information content, characteristics of the board of directors, corporate risks and information disclosure) and twenty components were identified and agreed upon using the Delphi method. The community studied in the interview section of this research; It includes 21 experts with accounting and financial management knowledge and the statistical population in the quantitative section; There were different levels of managers of companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange. In the following, the required data was collected by distributing questionnaires made by the researcher among 201 people; was collected after that; To analyze the data, inferential statistics methods such as t-test and structural equation modeling by PLS method were used. The first result of this research; The identification of dimensions and components affecting the financial health of companies was obtained by using theoretical studies, summarizing the opinions of experts in the field of accounting and financial management, analyzing the opinions of the statistical community and receiving the opinions of experts in the fields related to the research.


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