Identifying and prioritizing the main factors affecting the attractiveness of investing in knowledge-based economic enterprises

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher of Future Studies Department, Hazrat Wali Asr Research Institute, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Systems Management, Faculty of Management and Planning, Imam Hossein University


Considering the importance of knowledge-based economy and providing the essentials for the development of knowledge-based economic enterprises, the purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the basic factors affecting the attractiveness of investing in knowledge-based economic enterprises. The current research is applied in terms of objective, exploratory in terms of the nature of the research, and in terms of the approach, it is a mixed research type (qualitative to quantitative). In this research, the data obtained from interviews with 10 specialists and managers of companies active in the knowledge-based field were analyzed using thematic analysis method. Then, in the quantitative stage, the identified factors were prepared in the form of a questionnaire and distributed among the managers of knowledge-based enterprises in the northwest region of the country; In the next step, the results of the questionnaires were ranked using the pairwise comparison technique. The results of the pairwise comparison technique showed that the legal-political factors, marketing and the essence of technology were ranked as the first to third priority, and the financial-economic and managerial factors were ranked next. The factors of supporting laws and regulations and infrastructure were also recognized as the least important factor. The results showed that legal and legal factors are much more important than short-term support, even infrastructural.


Main Subjects

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