The Effect of CEO Experience, Expertise and Ownership on Labor Investment Efficiency

Document Type : Original Article


University of Tehran


Investment in labor is one of the most important investments for any company. Recent research has highlighted the significance of labor investment efficiency. This research aims to identify the factors that influence labor investment efficiency. Specifically, we investigate the effects of CEO experience, expertise, and ownership on the company's labor investment efficiency. To achieve this goal, we analyzed a sample of 126 companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2023, amounting to 1008 company-years. We utilized multiple regression analysis based on combined data. The results indicate that experienced CEOs significantly enhance the labor investment efficiency in companies. Conversely, CEO ownership leads to a decrease in labor investment efficiency. However, the findings did not reveal a significant relationship between CEO industry expertise and labor investment efficiency. Thus, we conclude that experienced CEOs positively contribute to labor investment efficiency. However, CEOs who own shares require more supervision to mitigate potential opportunistic behavior. This study contributes to the literature on CEO characteristics and labor investment efficiency, offering valuable insights for CEO selection to positively impact company labor investment.


Main Subjects

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